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Women's-Only Bike Clinic

When one woman has an idea, it can be powerful. When she recruits more women and they make it happen, it can be a revolution.


Our revolutions are by the minute on two wheels.


Becky Furuta with Team Novo Nordisk came to Pat and me with a remarkable idea – one that had us immediately jumping on board: A Women’s-Only Bike Clinic.


It started simple: “I want to get all these chicks together, probably at my office for beers and do a chicks-only, newish rider happy hour with basic bike mechanics involved, and answer all the questions that have come up like, ‘No, you don't need to time trial with a Camelback’ and ‘Yes, compression socks are illegal, and this is what you wear when it's 47 degrees at the start line and 87 degrees at the finish because here in Colorado, we like to experience all four seasons in an afternoon.’”


Pat and I offered our newly-expanded space to fit the group and us three started talking beer, food, and speakers. The speakers list grew from three to ten in a few weeks. We quickly were no longer able to call it Bikes and Brews as we had wine, tea, and food coming in too.


The three of us all came into this clinic with the shared motivation: getting more women on bikes and having a damn good time doing it.


With so many speakers lined up, I wanted to know their history and why they were jumping on board with us. Here are just a few of the amazing people lined up to speak next Thursday, April 6, 2017.


Becky Furuta

Becky Furuta


Becky Furuta is an elite women's cyclist with Team Novo Nordisk, a global, all-diabetes sports organization, spearheaded by the world's first professional, all-diabetes men's cycling team. Prior to racing with Team Novo Nordisk, Becky raced for Boulder-based Title Nine Women's Cycling and as a student at the University of Colorado in Boulder. She holds a master's degree in public health policy, and currently works as a sports vision therapist in Golden. Racing with Team Novo Nordisk has given Becky the opportunity to compete at major events throughout the United States, as well as traveling the world as an ambassador to show those affected with diabetes what might be possible. She is currently the second-ranked woman in criterium racing in her category for the state of Colorado.


What does it mean to you to get more women riding?

Cycling has been an important part of the process of becoming the person I am today. I began riding my bike when I was a teenager as a way to leave the confines of poverty and a troubled home. It provided me confidence, empowerment and social supports. Since that time, cycling has been an integral part of managing my health and keeping me grounded. It's taken me from a rundown motel near Colorado's Dallas Divide to places I never imagined as a kid. I want to provide those same opportunities to women everywhere. The bike can be a vehicle to raise the profile of women, increase gender equality and empower the individual. And it's fun!


Sue Lloyd

Sue Lloyd


Sue Lloyd has been competing, as well as working with learners and athletes for over 35 years. Her life-long love of athletics led her first to ski racing, then cycling, running, duathlon and triathlon. In addition to leading classes at her Denver studio, Inspired Training Center, Sue has coached womens and junior cycling camps and clinics. Sue is the current 60+ National Criterium Champion, holds multi-time Colorado State criterium, time trial and road race championships, and holds other podiums at USAC Masters Nationals. Sue is passionate about helping women find confidence and satisfaction in achieving their athletic goals.


Dawn Manfredonia

Dawn Manfredonia


Dawn races and directs the Primal Audi Denver Women's Racing team and has been racing for 3 years as a Cat 4 racer. She bought her first road bike as a college graduation present to herself and began her cycling obsession by raising money and riding for charity organizations. She did her first century ride in 8 hours of pouring rain and was hooked. She was introduced to racing by a friend who raced for Primal and joined the team in 2014.


What does it mean to you to get more women riding?

I think what made me fall in love with cycling is the camaraderie. Racing gives me that same feeling when I first started riding for charity organizations and our team feels like a giant family. Through racing, bicycle advocacy programs and giving back to the community I want more women to experience the incredibly positive ways cycling can impact their lives. We take care of each other by creating a collaborative, encouraging team environment where everyone feels included and strives to improve together on and off the bike.


 Doug Gordon

Doug Gordon


Doug started racing over a decade ago when his wife, Susannah, took up the sport.  She quickly rose through the ranks to Cat 1 while he seemed to be a lifer in the 4’s.  Eventually she went on to form the Primal Women’s team that is still in existence today, and also created and Directed the Primal Pro Women’s Racing Team that was a National Racing Calendar team with pros from all over the country.  Fast forward to today: he is now the President of the Bicycle Racing Association of Colorado, the President of Modern Market Racing p/b GR Capital Partners, and worked all the way up to a Cat 3 on the road. 2016 had Doug with 2 CX race wins, the Regional Championships, and the State Championships, a goal he’s harbored for quite some time.  He’s very excited to kick off the 2017 racing season with the new groups and a new energy coming from all kinds of people discovering the sport.     


What does it mean to you to get more women riding?

Since I got my start in this sport via women’s racing, I’d say it would be tough to find a bigger fan or someone who understands the unique aspects and struggles of women’s cycling.  Racing changes your life.  It changes how you see things, it empowers you, it frees you.  Women benefit from this power just as much, if not more, than men.  It’s always been interesting that such a beautiful sport has lacked women in the numbers that we see for men.  No reason for it, I just have to think we need to overcome some barriers to get more ladies racing.  That’s why I am so excited to play a small role in the upcoming clinic.  Women race, and women lead… so let’s go!


Lanier Allen

Lanier Allen


Lanier rides with the Wish for Wheels club and races with the Stages Cycling Team. She rode bikes all of her life, and began riding centuries and challenge rides 12 years ago. The constant has always been a love of speed, which led her to begin racing 7 years ago. This year, her goal is to advance her ability to employ team tactics in races. 


What does it mean to you to get more women riding?

Cycling has been a source of empowerment and confidence for Lanier on and off the bike. She loves encouraging other women to set and achieve cycling goals they thought were impossible. Plus the cycling community is filled with positive, accomplished people with plenty of room for more!


Margaret Ziedin

Margaret Ziedin


Margaret started in Triathlon but was lucky enough to learn good riding edict with a focused club on the side in Nevada.

Yes, there is such a thing as riding edict.

Margaret likes to go hard and have fun. So when she moved to Denver to find better riding, she found it all.  She moved in next to Sharon Madison, their team coach, club leader, fellow advocate, BFF and the rest is history.

Margaret’s inspired by people-based charities, where she can see her best efforts benefit candidates directly. When racing triathlon she raised 20K for Challenged Athletes Foundation doing 70.3’s. “Nothing sets you straight faster than a kid with one leg kicking your ass up a climb.”  Wish for Wheels became the perfect positive minded platform for her mission of ‘Always Give.’ She gets to volunteer for the foundation at BIKE BUILDS and GIVES, plus experiencing a child’s first bike, helping them ride, and sharing her favorite safety tips, ‘The Elephant Story’.


What does it mean to you to get more women riding?

We have a great community in cycling and with WISH, so for me getting more Women on Bikes is about the freedom to explore your limits and your life, surrounded by inspiration, encouragement, inclusion and general badassery. You have to respect yourself, your bike, your fellow riders, the rules of your club and others on the road, when you do that the only way to go it up.


Mark your calendars!

Women's-Only Bike Clinic


April 6, 2017 – 6:00 PM
7700 Cherry Creek South Drive #106
Denver, CO 80231
Food provided by: Modern Market
Drinks provided by: Oskar Blues, Infinite Monkey Theorem, and Teatulia
There will be raffle prizes and a tire-changing contest.



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